Hybrid & Electric Cars
If you’re the owner of an Electric or Hybrid vehicle and would like a cost-effective alternative to a main dealer for servicing and repairs, we have the knowledge, tools and equipment to keep you on the road. We are now able to offer services and MOT on Hybrid & Electric vehicles by our fully trained technicians.
Currently on the market there are over 30 differing types of Electric Vehicles available in the UK. Hybrid vehicles lead the way with 4.5 million units sold worldwide and all other Electrical Vehicle variants sold 109,531 worldwide up to March 2012. Electric vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, with different applications to power the vehicles propulsion, using either pure electric motors, a combination of In Car Engine systems (ICE) or a combination of both.
Hybrid Vehicle
A hybrid vehicle is powered either by a Battery or ICE or both. The power source is selected automatically by the vehicle ECU, depending on speed, engine load and battery charge level. The battery cannot be plugged in; charge is maintained by regenerative braking supplemented by ICE generated power
Pure Electric Vehicle
A vehicle powered solely by a battery charged from the mains electricity. Pure – EV vehicles have a typical range of approximately 100 miles.
Electric Vehicle
Any vehicle powered, in part or in full, by battery that can be directly plugged into the mains. i.e. any vehicle that can be plugged in to charge the system